As you might know there is a little things each week called Family Home Evening that happens on Monday around 7ish depends on what we do that week. Well this week we made tin foil dinners up in some canyon. There was all types of stuff we can put in it. Some types of soup, carrots, meat, potatoes, pickles, and some other stuff.

People making their dinners.

Emily you need to cook it first!

That is my tin foil dinner before it was cooked.

In the fire pit. Guess which one is my if you guess the small one you are wrong.

Yum the pickle was good.

Emily, Jessica, and Amy with there dinner.

Adam with his dinner
I think if you have a todo list before you die you need to put eat a pickle that was cooked in a tin foil dinner on it.
I'll have to try the tin foil pickle
you should
somehow I'm not convinced
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