Sunday, September 14, 2008

David I want to know what you been up to.

Well It has been some time since I David Oakes has told my many readers what I have been up to so where it goes.
1)I have been working for 2 weeks now and got my 1st paycheck on Friday and those dirty bums took a 1/4 of my paycheck. But work has been going well and it is picking up more and more. So so far so good.
2)There was a ward camp out the other week and it was fun. I got there a little late with just shorts, shoes, socks, and a shirt on and people looked at me and thought I was crazy and told me that I was going to freeze to death. Little did they know I like it cold and that I have spent many years wearing just that. So I was fine and I was one of the 1st one up the next morning and was just chilling around where the fire was waiting for others to wake up. I would of started the fire but there was no hot coals left or anything around to start the fire with. Then I was one of the cooks because no one else was willing to do it but a handful of people who said ok I will cook. Then after breakfast we went up to a lake that was near the camp site and on the way there someone got someones else car stuck in the road. We hit a big rock and then went over it. Picking up the car to get the rock. The Rock. The Lake. A moose.
After all the fun a few of us stayed behind to fish in this small creek that was near where we camp out. I asked one of the people who stayed behind how they where going to fish. She told me she was just going to let the line in and go here fishy, fishy and then she caught one. Emily with the fish she caught. Amy with the fish she got.
Sadly I did not get one

1 comment:

Tracy said...

wow! Utah has some really beautiful scenery. Sounds like lotsa fun! crazy shorts guy.