Friday, October 31, 2008

The vote is in.

Well the voting is over for the most important thing to vote for in a long time. 11 votes where cast and I will grow a full beard I cant wait well I have started to let it grow out for a week and a half already so Im almost done to begin with. I will keep it trimmed and neat so it looks nice. Maybe by the time some of you will see me it will be where I want it to be.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

This month so far.

Things that I have done this month so far.
1)I been to the temple 4 times and each time was to a different temple. You might say wow I could this be 4 temples in 4 trips that is insane and you must of done a lot of driving to get there. Nope wrong well you see I live in Salt Lake and there is a few temples that are pretty close to me and what not. The temples that I made it to this month in the order that I went to them is South Jordan, Salt Lake City, Provo, and Bountiful. So this month has been the month I been to the temple the most. Who knows I might try and make it to Mount Timpanogos temple sometime this coming week just to make it 5-5
2)Turned 25.
3)Went to work.
4)Eat some food

Friday, October 24, 2008

Quote Of The Day!

"I am so dang Totally Awesome that Satan encourages his angels to fight me everywhere he can as I am one of his greatest enemies."
- SUPERDELL Schanze.
He is some guy running for governor for the state of Utah.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I was made in October.

These videos pretty much says it all. I was born in October so that is why I pretty much messed up and what not. You might say but you where starting to be made 9 months before. Well so was baseball just about and all the camps and spring training.

I Have an idea

I think I should live in my car. So that way mom and dad can use that as a tax right off if they ever do come and visit me.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Rant for today.

A few days ago I thought to myself I really do not care about a lot of stuff right now. So I decided why try to be nice when it is a lot easier to be mean to people who are stupid and get on your nerves. I was like this for a little while and I just said what ever came to my mind. Calling people names to whom ever I thought should have a nickname that didn't go to well. Most people seemed like they didn't like those names and to this day some people never forgive me for that. But oh well I don't care right now. So if I start saying mean things to you again its not me its you.
The reason why I want to be mean again is it is just a lot easier that way when you don't care what others thing of you and you really don't care about them it make it a lot easier not to bit your tongue. For those of you who I am not mean to you must of not have done anything to make me mad at you. Like doing something stupid that makes me mad at you.
So those who are bummed and want to start being a new person just be mean to people and soon you will have new friends who you might actually like for a change. It does not seem like to many people care about me right now. My family never visits me. When they do go off and visit the other kids a few times a year and I live closer then two of them. Well maybe just as close as Tanner. They just think way if he wants to see us let him come to Thoreau. Like I ever want to do that again. Only a few people seemed to care it was my birthday last week. In fact I think only 5 people said happy birthday to me face to face up here. So wrote emails or posted it on facebook. But not to many. I bet I can go away for a few days and no one will even know that I am gone. They don't care so why should I care.
I bet if I ever have to spend some time in the Hospital no one will come and see me. I should try and get hurt to stay there to see who my real friends are. If any of them will show up.

The most important vote you will ever make.

I made up my mind to grow out my beard in some form once again. Many might of saw me a few times when I have shaved in a while and what not. Most of the time I just let it go but since I am working now what ever I do I will keep it trimmed and nice looking. But I can not thing what I really want to do with it. So I set up a quick poll to let people vote on it. If you select other let me know by a comment on my blog. Notices that they are check boxes so if you can not make up your mind on which one to vote for can vote for two

Monday, October 13, 2008

To go along with my last post

Some things I want to do this next year!
Anyone is welcome to join me if you will like.
1) Go somewhere where I have not been. Maybe to another country to see what all the fuss is about.
2) Do something I have never done before. I am thinking of sky diving.
3) To go to the temple more often. Right now I make it once or twice a month if I could by it 2 or 3 times that will be great.
4) Ride my bike more often.
5) Get out more. There are someday when I get home I stay in my room most of the time doing nothing really.
6) Find my ATM card or call to get it replaced.
I will think of more later.

My birthday is tomorrow

Well another year (from my birthday to today not from new years to the next new years.) has come and gone and nothing much has change from last year for me. A few things but not much. I did get done with school. Which is nice on not having to do homework every week. Had a job lost it a few months later and found a second job a couple of months after that. I pretty much have the same friends a few new ones here and there from work or new people that I have meet but the core is still the same. I have moved to a different place I call home just down the street where I lived before. I did get a new car after I went off roading in my old one which happen the year before and after that it was never the same. I have learned a thing or two along the way but whose know on what I forgot I sure don't. But I guess if you have nothing much going that what you get which I don't mind it sometimes makes life a bit easier that way. I did change my name well at least on facebook I did.
As a kid it seem like a year was such a long wait but know it is like wow a year has gone by. This past year even had an extra day and that didn't seem to matter. Before you know it will be a new year maybe it will be the same as the last.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

By The Way.....

its my birthday soon just to give you the heads up

A great idea.

Well there is some 700 billion bailout plan that is going down or at least they are talking about in Washington. That is $700,000,000,000. I say instead of giving it to the places that caused all of this mess in the first place give it to me and I will help people out.