Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Last Days Of Summer!

Well yesterday a few friends and I went on a little hiking trip up to Stewart Falls that is somewhere in Provo Canyon. It was a lot of fun and the leaves for what every reason thought it was fall and they where turning into all shades of yellow, red, orange, and other colors as well. That is me if you could not tell with the trees turning colors in the background.
Emily and Moose with the niece view.
The hike was pretty fun, So on the trail there was this part when everything around us was red then all of a sudden yellow which was amazing and what not.
Here are some images of the water fall. The Jeffries. Emily and Amy. And one of me being silly! The next photo is a pretty fun one. It just looks pretty funny to me a least. Moose was a good dog he was a trooper and was able to go up most of trail with no problem at all. Sadly to say I had a little fall and my leg got cut up a little bit but I will live I think. My leg.


webdesigner706 said...

Very beautiful country there where you are!
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Anonymous said...

Wow, Ben, how beautiful!! I am so excited for Fall! Okay, Ben, it looks like your "friends" were all girls. Any possibilities??? Sorry about your leg, but we would have taken your word for it without having to see it!! Ha-ha!!

doakes said...

Yes, Ben and 4, count em, 4 girls!
It is time for you to come clean here, it looks like you can talk to girls. Or do they just take you along because they feel sorry for you?

Tracy said...

So totally the first thing I noticed as well. All your friends are GIRLS! Fess up.

Amy said...

I didn't know you were afraid of heights. Better steer clear of that waterfall!

Jean said...

Any of the 4 girls look like someone you could take home to mother. I am waiting......

ansbug said...

how fun. I want to go hiking.

Tracy said...

I do kind of miss Utah, I guess. I definitely never took enough advantage of the canyons and trails while I was there. You know, I lived in Provo for 6 years and never did hike the Y. How sad is that! Maybe we'll come visit you and you can show us all the nature we missed.

Tracy said...

From Kimball:

I love you.

thank you for coming over.
i miss you.

Tracy said...

I'm not sure what Kimball was talking about, but where's your fishing pictures?