Saturday, October 25, 2008

This month so far.

Things that I have done this month so far.
1)I been to the temple 4 times and each time was to a different temple. You might say wow I could this be 4 temples in 4 trips that is insane and you must of done a lot of driving to get there. Nope wrong well you see I live in Salt Lake and there is a few temples that are pretty close to me and what not. The temples that I made it to this month in the order that I went to them is South Jordan, Salt Lake City, Provo, and Bountiful. So this month has been the month I been to the temple the most. Who knows I might try and make it to Mount Timpanogos temple sometime this coming week just to make it 5-5
2)Turned 25.
3)Went to work.
4)Eat some food


Tracy said...

Ben! You should go to the Manti's only a couple hours from you.

Amy said...

you should try to hit up every utah temple and then branch out from there to idaho and other nearby states.

Amy said...

That turning 25 must have been difficult. I can't do it yet. I think I'll take a year of preparation and then attempt it. Yes, hopefully before January 2010 I will accomplish that goal.

David Oakes said...

good luck.

Anonymous said...

wow, you get an A+ for temple attendance!!