Monday, October 13, 2008

To go along with my last post

Some things I want to do this next year!
Anyone is welcome to join me if you will like.
1) Go somewhere where I have not been. Maybe to another country to see what all the fuss is about.
2) Do something I have never done before. I am thinking of sky diving.
3) To go to the temple more often. Right now I make it once or twice a month if I could by it 2 or 3 times that will be great.
4) Ride my bike more often.
5) Get out more. There are someday when I get home I stay in my room most of the time doing nothing really.
6) Find my ATM card or call to get it replaced.
I will think of more later.


Tracy said...

1. Have you ever been to Tulsa? Didn't think so.
2. Totally go sky diving. Totally. Just don't die.
3. Awesome goal. Go a couple extra times a month for me, kay. I'll pay you back later.
4. Can you come pick up Joshua and ride bikes with him, too. He needs some motivation.
5. Start scrapbooking. Or quilting. So fun. I'll send you all my scrapbooking stuff and you can finish mine for me. I'm literally YEARS behind.

Awesome. You're going to help me out so much this year, I can already tell. I knew I wasn't your second favorite sister for nothing.

Tracy said...

Oh also, if you go to a foreign country, I'll go with you...but only if you're paying. Thanks, Ben.

Tanner said...

Hope about get married. You haven't done that yet.

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday to you!!

And many, many, many, many, more...

David Oakes said...

I am surprised your kids havent called me today

Tracy said...

How was the BBQ?

Jean said...

Happy Birthday Ben. I did call, but you never answer.

I think you should put: visit my family more.

We love you!!!

Anonymous said...

I want to visit more restaurants and blog about them. I'm thinking about becoming a food critic Ben!!! Wanna come with us???